Acuity Learning Academy is live!

Gary Timney
We are beyond thrilled to have our online school live! The Acuity Learning Academy is the realisation of my passion to make professional training engaging, effective and practical.

Let's face it, most on-line training courses aren't the best. Boring, tough to sit through, and even harder to retain.  Over my years in corporate sales I've sat through way too many badly put together courses. I got the certificates, checked the box on my training plan, but only in a few cases did I retain enough to take back to the work place. 

And thus, the Acuity Learning Academy was created.
One of the main issues with on-line training is how it's delivered. The pain of sitting through hours of rambling videos (even the ones with a great index) is that it's almost impossible to retain the information - it's just too much information in one hit. The course tutors themselves can also be a problem. Being a subject matter expert does not, by default, make you a good teacher. Sadly, the more complex the subject, the more likely it is you'll be faced with a newbie teacher. Nothing worse than sitting down to study a mission critical subject only to discover your 'teacher' is indeed an expert, but his ability to impart his knowledge is just slightly above nil. It's a giant waste of life for all concerned. 

Microlearning for the win.

I turned to neuroscience to help me unravel the issues, and develop a process of developing courses that not only successfully deliver the information, but ensure you retain the knowledge. It doesn't hurt that my wife (and our Course Development Director) Joanne Timney just happens to be a neuromarketing expert and a successful post graduate lecturer with over 30 years experience.

Our objective was simple. Ensure every student not only learns something new, but retains it so they can apply it. The natural framework for our courses was microlearning, which is a proven learning system that ensures knowledge is successfully imparted and retained. I'll leave it to Joanne to write about the mechanics of microlearning in another post, but needless to say, microlearning gave us what we wanted in terms of an approach that can be applied to just about every subject. But, that didn't answer the issue of those subject matter experts who can't teach.

This led us to develop our vetting process. Not only do our course tutors need to be subject matter experts, they need to be expert tutors who can break down their subject into bitesize modules, but successfully follow a learning path that leads to satisfying the learning objective of their course.

We found a lot of great lecturers, but none of them had worked with microlearning before, so we made the decision to being course design in house. Our development team work with our tutors to develop their content into the correct format. This allows us to ensure that every course is of the same standard and works the way we want it to.

The combination of rigorous vetting, and exceptional course design led us to the realisation that we needed to create courses that were unique. You will not find any of our courses on another platform and we won't be adding the usual suspects to our courses any time soon. So, if it's a first aid course or and ISO related course you need, you will not find it on Acuity. 

I am so proud of what we've created. Our one-of-a-kind courses are crazy good, engaging and you will (guaranteed) walk away with knowledge and skills you can take back to your work place.

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us create such a powerful learning platform. The sky's the limit when you keep learning (and remember it!).

Gary Timney 

Founder, Managing Director
Acuity Learning Academy
About Gary
With over 30 years in sales and resource management, Gary has shaped the way we approach training. Based on his experience of poorly constructed training, he set about creating a training academy dedicated to bringing one-of-a-kind training programmes that deliver training that works in the real world.
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